Overview of Guide
This guide has been produced to give you an informative and realistic picture of our attractions, detailing access issues, ride restrictions, details of ride evacuations and the requirements for helpers to accompany guests.
Hopefully this, along with general ride restrictions detailed on signage at each ride, will enable you to assess your own abilities and make an informed decision about which attractions you are able to, or wish to use.
For our guests who are or believe they are pregnant we recommend caution be taken before using our rides and attractions. Due to the forces exerted and the need to have belts and harnesses fastened it may not be suitable to ride.
For further information when you arrive please ask at the Guest Relations area at the entrance to the Park.
Before your visit, contact us on 600 500 WOA / 600 500 962 or email guestrelations@imgworlds.com We would like to know if you have enjoyed your visit. We welcome any comments and suggestions you may have regarding IMG Worlds, its facilities or this guide.
Ticketing for Guests with Disabilities
Guests with registered disabilities can enter the theme park on a half discounted priced day pass when providing proof of disability; the helper can enter the theme park upon purchase of a full-priced day pass.
The helper must qualify as an adult as per the theme park’s terms and conditions, and must be able to support and assist with the disabled guest in the event of a ride malfunction or evacuation.
Annual Pass Holders
The disabled annual pass guest can bring along a helper upon purchase of a full-priced day pass.
The helper must qualify as an adult as per the theme park’s terms and conditions, and must be able to support and assist with the disabled guest in the event of a ride malfunction or evacuation.
Statement on Disability
IMG Worlds of Adventure will do everything possible to ensure its guests have a safe and enjoyable stay.
However certain rides and attractions in our park are physically demanding and vigorous. Attractions, by their design and nature are not always suitable for guests with certain disabilities.
IMG Worlds of Adventure therefore reserves the right to refuse admission to any ride or attraction should we feel there is an unacceptable risk to the safety of the guest or others through their participation.
Should IMG Worlds of Adventure choose to refuse access to a ride or attraction on the grounds of safety this is not considered discriminatory; so long as the reasoning is clearly justified.
Our staff have been trained to look after our guests and they do so conscientiously. If any member of staff is concerned for the safety of any guest he/she will explain this and may ask for a second opinion from their line manager.
IMG Worlds of Adventure hopes that you understand and accept this policy. We remind you that the safety and comfort of all our guests remains our primary concern.
Access Guide
Parking for guests with disabilities is available at our car park. Guests with disabled badges displayed in their cars may park in the designated spaces (you may be asked to show your photo ID card).
Please note that there are a limited number of parking spaces specifically for people with disabilities.
If a wheelchair is required during your day at the theme park, a limited quantity is available on a first come first serve basis. The wheelchair facilities are located in the Guest Relations office at IMG Boulevard, just past the entrance turnstiles. If additional assistance is required, please notify an attendant.
All of our toilet facilities have access for guests with disabilities in both the male and female restrooms. Disabled facilities for guests who require assistance are available within our family restrooms.
Group Sales
Special rates are available for groups booking in advance.
Please contact Group Sales on 600 500 WOA
Large groups of guests with disabilities visiting the Park are advised to contact our Customer Services team, ideally prior to their visit, for further advice on access and facilities.
First Aid
First Aid facilities are available in the theme park within the Lost Valley; please proceed to our Guest Relations where our team will be pleased to assist you.
Our First Aid facility is operated by Medeor 24x7 Hospital L.L.C., many of our team are also qualified First Aiders.
Rides & Attractions
Attraction Restrictions
IMG Worlds of Adventure Attraction Access Policy reflects those in place commonly throughout the world. While we strive to make our attractions as universally accessible as possible, we have a duty to enforce a number of restrictions to ensure the safety of our Guests and Staff.
As a responsible operator of theme parks, safety remains our number one priority.
General Restrictions
Detailed below are the general restrictions which apply to all attractions, but Guests must be aware that access to individual attractions is also subject to additional restrictions. We also strongly recommend that Guests watch any attraction in operation before making the decision on whether they wish to ride.
Our attractions are not suitable for:
- Guests who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Guests who are in a poor state of health.
- Pregnant women.
- Guests who have a medical history of heart, back or neck problems including cardiovascular problems or high blood pressure.
- Guests who have recently undergone surgery or who have been recently unwell which may be aggravated by the motion of the ride or attraction.
- Children who are unable to walk and sit upright unaided. It is not permitted for babies to be held in the arms of other riders.

Disabled Guests Restrictions
IMG Worlds of Adventure Guests with Disabilities policy reflects those in place commonly throughout the world. A person with a disability is defined as someone with a physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional or developmental impairment which substantially limits at least one of their major life activities.
Guests with disabilities are welcomed to the park and we endeavor to ensure that they can enjoy the park and rides as much as other guests do, but our attractions have certain barriers that make it difficult for them to use our rides.
It is our goal to make the park as hindrance free as possible, but sometimes assistance may be required and at other times disabled guests will not be permitted to ride.
At IMG Worlds of Adventure the below restrictions apply as a general rule to all of our rides and attractions.
- There is a maximum of 1 Guest with Disability per ride cycle and they must always be seated with 1 designated carer.
- Due to evacuation purposes Guests with Disability and their carers may be required to sit in a designated seat at a particular ride.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding. If a Guest has to be assisted in and out of a ride vehicle, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Operators, our rides Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Guests with casts or prosthesis should not wear any item that obstructs safety devices or puts an adjacent passenger at risk.
- Guests with disabilities must be free from any unsecured assistance devices or prosthesis which might become loose during the ride.
Note that certain attractions have additional restrictions which are detailed at each ride and attraction as well as in the parks guidebook for Guests with Disabilities which can be found on our website or picked up from Guest Relations.
Avengers Battle of Ultron
Additional Restrictions
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to strobe lighting.
- A rider with one amputated leg or two amputated legs (amputation above the ankle), with or without prosthesis, shall not be allowed on the ride.
- A rider with one amputated foot or two amputated feet (amputation below the ankle), may ride, provided such rider has the ability to hold on with two functioning hands.
- Guests must have the ability to brace themselves with two points of contact.
- It is recommended that guests who suffer from any medical conditions ride in one of the vehicles which is programmed to be less aggressive.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the Ride themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be lifted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Attendants, our Ride Attendants are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning legs and one functioning arm in order to safely ride the Ride.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk.
- Guests with an arm cast must be able to brace themselves against the Ride forces with their second arm and hand. If in doubt immediately contact your supervisor.
- A rider with one amputated leg or two amputated legs (amputation above the ankle), with or without prosthesis, shall not be allowed on the ride.
- A rider with one amputated foot or two amputated feet (amputation below the ankle), may ride, provided such rider has the ability to hold on with two functioning hands.
- Guests must have the ability to brace themselves with two points of contact.
Hulk Epsilon Base 3D
Additional Restrictions
- A rider with one amputated leg or two amputated legs (amputation above the ankle), with or without prosthesis, shall not be allowed on the ride.
- A rider with one amputated foot or two amputated feet (amputation below the ankle), may ride provided such a rider has the ability to hold on with two functioning hands.
- A rider with one missing arm or hand may ride, provided such a rider has the ability to hold on with one functioning hand and brace himself/herself with two functioning legs.
- Riders must be able to lock/unlock the seatbelt themselves.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with Disabilities will enter the Ride via the ride exit, where they will communicate with the Unloading Attendant to set aside seats on the Ride Vehicle. The Unloading Attendant should complete the following procedure to load Guests with Disabilities:
- Ensure the Guest has qualified to safely Ride the Ride
- If the Guest is qualified, advise the Loading Attendant to hold the Loading door on the next Ride cycle
- Advise the Loading Attendant of the GWD, and to hold a pre-designated row. Advise them of the number of Guests and if they will be riding together
- When the previous Ride cycle is complete and the Ride Vehicle has been unloaded, hold the loading doors and proceed to load the GWD and his/her group
- Permit no more than 1 Carers, plus the 1 Guest with Disability to enter the Ride
- If the Guest is Wheelchair-bound have the group or the Guest control the movement of the chair to the Ride Vehicle
- Ensure the Guest places the wheelchair directly parallel to the Ride Vehicle. Do not physically assist the Guest with the transfer. The Guest must be able to transfer themselves into the Ride Vehicle.
- Once the Guest has safely transferred into the Ride Vehicle have the wheelchair relocated to a safe area of the Ride Platform
- Proceed to secure the seat belts and ensure the Guest safely fits inside the vehicle
- Load the remaining Guests in the group
- Proceed with the Standard Loading Procedures
Wheelchairs may be stored at the Ride. Once loaded they should be taken to the Ride exit and not left on the platform under any circumstances.
Spider-Man Doc Ock's Revenge
Additional Restrictions
- Shoes must be worn in case of evacuation.
- An evacuation chair is used to assist Guests who are unable to walk during an evacuation. This will require a transfer from the carriage onto the stairway and a rotation of 180° into the chair.
- A rider with one amputated leg or two amputated legs (amputation above the ankle), with or without prosthesis, shall not be allowed to ride.
- A rider with one amputated foot or two amputated feet (amputation below the ankle), may ride provided such a rider has the ability to hold on with two functioning hands.
- A rider with one missing arm or hand may ride, provided such a rider has the ability to hold on with one functioning hand and brace himself/herself with two functioning legs.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to strobe lighting.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience any Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the Ride themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be lifted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Ride Attendants and Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Guest with missing limbs must have two functioning legs and one functioning arm in order to safely Ride the Ride.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk. If in doubt immediately contact a Team Leader.
Thor Thunder Spin
Additional Restrictions
- Footwear must be secure or removed.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to strobe lighting.
- Not suitable for Guests with high blood pressure.
- Guests must be able to brace themselves with both arms throughout the ride.
- Guests with arm amputations are not permitted to ride.
- Guests wearing any form of prosthesis are not permitted to ride.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience this Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests with disabilities must be able to board the Ride themselves or with assistance and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit in an upright position without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride unaided and without jeopardizing themselves or others. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be assisted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Rides Attendants and Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning arms and one functioning leg in order to safely Ride the Ride. If the second leg is amputated this must not be above the knee. Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk.
Avengers Flight Of The Quinjets
Additional Restrictions
- Guests must be able to board the ride including the use of the disabled vehicle unaided.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience the Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the Ride themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- Guests must be able to board the ride including the use of the disabled vehicle unaided.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning legs and one functioning arm in order to safely ride the Ride.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk. If in doubt immediately contact a Team Leader.
The Velociraptor
Additional Restrictions
- The evacuation process requires Guests to navigate both narrow, spiral steps and or transfer themselves from the ride vehicle onto an evacuation platform at height. Therefore Guests must be able to walk unaided.
- Guests must not have their head protruding above the headrest.
- A rider with one amputated leg or two amputated legs (amputation above the ankle), with or without prosthesis shall not be allowed to ride.
- A rider with one amputated foot or two amputated feet (amputation below the ankle), may ride provided such a rider has the ability to hold on with two functioning hands.
- A rider with one missing arm or hand may ride, provided such a rider has the ability to hold on with one functioning hand and has the ability to brace himself/herself with two functioning legs.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to strobe lighting.
- Guests without footwear will not be permitted to ride.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience any Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests with disabilities must be able to board the Ride themselves or with assistance and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit in an upright position without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- Guests must be able to brace themselves with their legs and feet.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride unaided and without jeopardizing themselves or others. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be assisted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Rides Attendants and Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- A Rider with one or two amputations (above the ankle), with or without prosthesis is not permitted to Ride. A Rider with one amputated foot or two amputated feet (amputation below the ankle), may Ride, provided the Rider has the ability to hold on with two functioning hands.
- A Rider with one missing arm or hand may Ride, provided such Ride has the ability to hold on with one functioning hand and brace himself/herself with two functioning legs.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk.
- The handicapped Rider must be free from any unsecured assistance devices or prosthesis which might become loose during the Ride.
Additional Restrictions
- The evacuation process requires Guests to transfer themselves from the ride vehicle onto an evacuation platform at height. This must be done unaided.
- For evacuation purposes Guests must be able to walk at least 25 meters unaided.
- Guests must be able to transfer into and out of the ride vehicle without assistance.
- Not suitable for Guests with pacemakers.
- Guests must be able to fully brace themselves during the ride with both their arms and legs.
- Guests with leg or foot amputations or those wearing any form of prosthesis are not permitted to ride.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience the Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests with disabilities must be able to board the Ride themselves or with assistance and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit in an upright position without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- Guests must be able to brace themselves with their legs and feet.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride unaided and without jeopardizing themselves or others. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be assisted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Operators and Attendants are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning arms and one functioning leg in order to safely Ride the Attraction.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk.
The Forbidden Territory
Additional Restrictions
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to strobe lighting.
- A rider with one amputated leg or two amputated legs (amputation above the ankle), with or without prosthesis, shall not be allowed on the ride.
- A rider with one amputated foot or two amputated feet (amputation below the ankle), may ride, provided such rider has the ability to hold on with two functioning hands.
- Guests must have the ability to brace themselves with two points of contact.
- It is recommended that guests who suffer from any medical conditions ride in one of the vehicles which is programmed to be less aggressive
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience any Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the Ride themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be lifted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Rides Attendants and Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- All seat belt must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning legs and one functioning arm in order to safely Ride the Ride.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk. If in doubt immediately contact a Team Leader.
Dino Carousel
Additional Restrictions
- Guests with severe mobility impairments can ride in their own wheelchair which will need to be secured during the ride.
- Guests must be able to sit upright with full body control should they wish to ride one of the dinosaurs.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience any Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the ride themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be lifted in and out of a ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this.
- For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Attendants and Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning legs and one functioning arm in order to safely ride the Ride.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a cast below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk. If in doubt immediately contact a Team Leader.
- The Dino Carousel can accommodate a Guest seated in a wheelchair on the ride in the designated carriage.
Adventure Fortress
Additional Restrictions
- Not suitable for Guests with a fear of heights.
- Guests must have the physical capability to climb up the towers unaided.
- The maximum weight for the slides is 130kg.
- Guests must be wearing either shoes or socks on their feet.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests are permitted to access Adventure Fortress if the above criteria are met:
- Adventure Fortress can accommodate Guests using a wheelchair, but the Guests must be physically capable of climbing the towers in order to access the bridges, tunnels, platforms and slides.
- There is no specific disabled access to this Attraction
Additional Restrictions
- Minimum height requirement is 0.90m and maximum height requirement is 1.25m.
- Children should be accompanied by parents or under adult supervision.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
- There is no specific disabled access to this Attraction
The Powerpuff Girls - Mojo Robot Rampage
Additional Restrictions
- A rider with one amputated leg or two amputated legs (amputation above the knee), with or without prosthesis shall not be allowed to ride.
- Guests must have full upper body control.
- Guests must have both arms fully intact in order to brace themselves during the ride.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience this Attraction as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests with disabilities must be able to board the Ride themselves or with assistance and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit in an upright position without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- Guests must be able to brace themselves with their legs or feet.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride unaided and without jeopardizing themselves or others. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding. If a Guest has to be assisted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Attendants and Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning arms and one functioning leg in order to safely Ride the Attraction. Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk.
Ben10 5D Hero Time
Additional Restrictions
- Guests must be able to sit upright unaided.
- Guests may remain in their wheelchair at the front of the theatre if they wish, however the special effects will be limited. If experiencing the attraction in this way then the standard Guest with Disability restrictions do not apply as the ride vehicle is not being used.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to strobe lighting.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
There is no special loading procedure for Guests with disabilities on this Attraction and they can be seated in any seat at the Ride. It is recommended disabled Guests or those with limited mobility are allowed to be seated at the front of the theatre.
Wheelchairs may be stored at the front of the theatre. Ensure they do not obstruct the screen or obstruct any walkways.
Adventure Time - The Ride of OOO With Finn & Jake
Additional Restrictions
- Children under the height of 1.30m may be accompanied by an adult, only if the child can sit upright unaided.
- The evacuation process requires Guests to transfer themselves from the ride vehicle into an evacuation platform at height. Guests must be able to complete this unaided.
- Guests must be able to transfer into and out of the ride vehicle without assistance.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
There is no special loading procedure for Guests with disabilities on this Attraction and they can be seated in any seat.
Only one Guest with a disability plus their carers wearing a blue wristband should be loaded onto the ride at any given time. If one vehicle already has a Guest with disabilities do not load further vehicles with disabled Guests until the first group have exited the ride. The Merge and Loading Attendants should complete the following procedure to load Guests with Disabilities:
- Ensure the Guest has qualified to safely ride the attraction
- If the Guest is qualified, advise the Loading Attendant to hold the Loading Gates on the next ride cycle
- Advise the Loading Attendant of the GWD, and to hold a pre-designated row. Advise the number of Guests, and if they will be riding together
- When the vehicle is unloaded, hold the Loading Gates and proceed to load the GWD and his/her group
- Permit no more than 3 carers plus the 1 disabled Guest to enter the Attraction
- If the Guest is wheelchair-bound have the group or the Guest control the movement of the chair to the ride vehicle
- Ensure the Guest places the wheelchair directly parallel to the ride vehicle. Do not physically assist the Guest with the transfer. The Guest must be able to transfer themselves into the ride vehicle.
- Once the Guest has safely transferred into the ride vehicle have the wheelchair relocated to a safe area of the ride platform
- Proceed to lock the restraints and ensure the Guest safely fits inside the vehicle
- Load the remaining Guests in the group
- Proceed with standard Loading procedures
Wheelchairs may be stored on the ride platform however they must not cause an obstruction. Always ensure any wheelchairs left on the platform are taken to the exit ready to unload the disabled Guest.
The Amazing Ride of Gumball
Additional Restrictions
- Children under the height of 1.20m may be accompanied by an adult, only if the child can sit upright unaided.
- Not suitable for Guests who are sensitive to strobe lighting.
- Not suitable for Guests with a fear of dark places or who suffer from claustrophobia.
- This ride uses Class 1M lasers - do not point lasers at any persons and do not look directly into the laser.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience any Attraction as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the Ride themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding. If a Guest has to be lifted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Rides Attendants are instructed not to perform this function.
- All restraints must close properly and must not be hindered by any devices or apparatuses that the Guest may be wearing.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning legs and one functioning arm in order to safely ride the Attraction. Guests with arm casts should not wear a case below or above the arms, and the arm casts cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk. If in doubt immediately contact your Team Leader.
Additional Restrictions
- Tree House: Minimum height requirement is 1.2m. To be accompanied by an adult if below 1.2m.
- Robbie’s Lair: Minimum height requirement is 0.9m. To be accompanied by an adult if below 0.9m.
- Stephanie’s Dance Academy: Minimum height requirement is 1.2m.
- Soft Play Area: Maximum height allowance for play is 1.6m.
- Pirates Adventure: Minimum height requirement is 1.4m. To be accompanied by an adult, if below 1.4m. Sports shoes/comfortable footwear is recommended for this area.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Pirates Adventure:
Due to the physical nature of the Attraction and the harness equipment required to participate, the Pirate Adventure course may be unsuitable for Guests with certain disabilities. All Guests must be able to secure themselves in a belt harness and be physically able to use the climbing equipment.
Soft Play Area:
Guests with disabilities may experience any Attraction as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to access the area themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Attraction without jeopardizing themselves or others.
Tree House:
Guests with disabilities may experience any Attraction as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the Ride themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be lifted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Attendants and Operators are instructed not to perform this function.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning legs and one functioning arm in order to safely Ride the Attraction.
- Guests with arm casts should not wear a cast below or above the arms, and the arm cast cannot obstruct or put an adjacent passenger at risk. If in doubt immediately contact a Team Leader
Robbie’s Lair:
Guests with disabilities may experience any Attraction as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to access the area themselves and must have sufficient strength in their lower extremities.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Attraction without jeopardizing themselves or others.
Stephanie’s Dance Academy:
Stephanie's Dance Academy is physically demanding; Guests must ensure they have the physical capability to complete the programme. Guests with disabilities may experience any Attraction as long as the following guidelines are met:
- The Guest must be able to walk unaided to participate.
- Guests with missing limbs may be unable to meet the proper dimensions required by Stephanie's Dance Academy sensors
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Attraction without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary
The Haunted Hotel
Additional Restrictions
- Guests must be able to walk through the attraction unaided.
- Not suitable for guests of a nervous disposition or who are sensitive to sudden visual effects, confined spaces and loud noises.
- Not suitable for guests who are sensitive to artificial smoke, strobe lighting and theatrical makeup including latex.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
- Due to the narrow corridors and nature of the attrraction itself, in order to ensure safety, Guests using wheelchairs or crutches are not permitted to enter the attraction.
Boulevard Express
Additional Restrictions
- Guests must meet the height restrictions before riding.
- Caretaker for the rides has to be 18 years and above.
- Guests with recent injury will not be allowed on any rides.
- Pregnant women not allowed on any rides.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities may experience any Ride as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Guests using wheelchairs must be able to board the Ride themselves.
- The Guest must have the body and spinal control to sit upright without the aid of other people or devices and be able to maintain the riding posture even during bumping or other characteristic movement of the Ride.
- The Guest must be able to enter and exit the Ride without jeopardizing themselves or others and assist with their own evacuation if necessary. This may include special arrangements such as entering through the exit or having someone aid them in boarding.
- If a Guest has to be lifted in and out of a Ride unit, this must be accomplished by a responsible person who is accustomed to doing this. For the safety of our Guests and Team Members, our Rides Attendants are instructed not to perform this function.
- Passengers with missing limbs must have two functioning legs/arms and one functioning arm/leg in order to safely Ride the Ride. If in doubt immediately contact your Team Leader.
Last Updated: October 31, 2024